The Role Of Inter-Sectors In Agroforestry Development In The Community Forest Environment, Pacitan District


  • Anang Susanto Departemen of Agricultural Science, of Merdeka Madiun University,Madiun East Java, Indonesia
  • Marti Winarni Susanto Departemen of Agricultural Science, of Merdeka Madiun University,Madiun East Java, Indonesia



Communities around the forest need to be encouraged in the development of forestry plants by the community
either independently or with the assistance—of the government so that environmental sustainability can be
adequately controlled. The development system carried out by the community, in general, is a hybrid system or
better known as the agroforestry system. This study aims to identify sectors related to efforts to develop forestry
plants.airly well-established economic condition. Development of forestry plants with this system . However, few
people also develop a monoculture system, especially those with large enough land and who do not depend on
the ground. Building role synergy between sectors supporting the development of forestry plantations is urgently
needed to increase the quantity and quality of raw materials to meet the needs of the timber industry, both
locally and nationally. Three critical sectors that must synergize in supporting the development of forestry
plantations by the community are research and educational institutions, the government, and the market
(industry). These three sectors are expected to be able to build attractive incentives for the community so that
the community continues to preserve timber plants. Research and educational institutions can provide
information and technology related to efforts to increase forestry plant production. Both information and
technology from social, economic, and silvicultural or cultivation aspects. Information and technology produced
by these research and educational institutions can be used as input and consideration for the government in
formulating programs and policies related to developing timber plantations on private land. Through the
formulation of its policies and work programs, the government is expected to initiate, facilitate and assist the
community in developing forestry plants. Furthermore, the market sector, especially the timber industry, must be
encouraged to create a conducive post-harvest climate so that the community continues to be motivated to
increase the production of raw wood materials.



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How to Cite

Susanto, A. ., & Winarni Susanto, M. . (2023). The Role Of Inter-Sectors In Agroforestry Development In The Community Forest Environment, Pacitan District. International Journal of Science and Environment (IJSE), 3(1), 1–6.

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