The Effect Of Giving Supremo Made From Active Glyphosate On The Control Of Banyan Weeds On Oil Palm Plants Produces Using The Root Infusion System


  • Zulfan Ilham Program Studi Agroteknologi, Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi Universitas Labuhanbatu, Sumatera Utara
  • Harahap FS Program Studi Agroteknologi, Fakultas Sians dan Teknologi, Universitas Labuhan Batu.Sumatera Utara 21418
  • Badrul Ainy Dalimunthe Program Studi Agroteknologi, Fakultas Sians dan Teknologi, Universitas Labuhan Batu.Sumatera Utara 21418
  • Dini Hariyati Adam Program Studi Agroteknologi, Fakultas Sians dan Teknologi, Universitas Labuhan Batu.Sumatera Utara 21418



The internship activity at PT Supra Matra Abadi Kebun Aek Nabara (KAN) in Bilah Hulu District,
LabuhanBatu Regency, North Sumatra Province, this activity was carried out for four months,
March-July and the method used was a completely randomized design (CRD) with 2 different
treatments, namely by concentration of 6% and 7%. Results: Afdilling III PT Supra Matra Abadi
controlled banyan weeds using two treatments, namely manually and chemically. The banyan weed
is a nuisance plant, because its life clings to or suffocates the oil palm plant. The negative impacts on
oil palm plants are pest attacks, competition occurs, humidity increases, making it difficult for the
pruning and harvesting processes. The banyan weed population in PT Supra Matra Abadi is in block
C87C and block C87G. The purpose of this study was to determine the effective and efficient
concentration in the use of the supremo herbicide with the active ingredient glyphosate. Based on the
results of research that has been carried out from the two concentrations of the herbicide supremo
480 SL which is effective and efficient for controlling banyan weeds in oil palm plants, namely a
concentration of 7%. Because at a concentration of 6% it takes 30 days to see the banyan weed die


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How to Cite

Zulfan Ilham, FS, H., Ainy Dalimunthe, B. ., & Hariyati Adam, D. . (2023). The Effect Of Giving Supremo Made From Active Glyphosate On The Control Of Banyan Weeds On Oil Palm Plants Produces Using The Root Infusion System. International Journal of Science and Environment (IJSE), 3(1), 25–29.

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