Analysis Of Macro Nutrients Of Chicken Manure Decomposed Bytrichoderma Viridemushrooms With Different Storage Lengths
Trichoderma spp. It is an antagonistic fungus that is very important for biodiversity
control. This research was conducted at the Laboratory of the Faculty of Agriculture,
Universitas Graha Nusantara Padangsidimpuan, with a height of + 480 m above sea
level, in August to September 2018. This study only analyzed the nutrient content
contained in the finished compost consisting of five compost treatments, namely: A0 =
Chicken manure decomposed by T.viride for 0 weeks, A1 = chicken manure decomposed
by T. viride for 1 week, A2 = chicken manure decomposed by T. viride for 2 weeks, A3 =
chicken manure decomposed by T. viride for 3 weeks, A4 = chicken manure decomposed
by T. viride for 4 weeks. Of the five compost treatments then analyzed the nutrient content
which includes N, P, K Total in the Laboratory of Soil Science ANDALAS Padang West
Sumatra. The results showed that based on the results of laboratory analysis it can be
known that compost with the addition of good trichodermaviride decomposer is good by 4
weeks of storage (A4) i.e. organic B = 45.70 %, organic C = 91.03 , Ratio C / N = 11. 13
%, N Total = 3.51 %, P Total = 3.41 % , K Total = 1.58 %.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Darmadi Erwin Harahap, Siti Hardianti Wahyuni, Muhammad Darwis, Muharram Fajrin Harahap, Mizan Maulana

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