Macroalgae Abundance And Cover As Ecological Indicators Of Coral Reef Management In The Waters Of Katapang Village, West Seram Regency, Maluku Province
Macroalgae, abundance, ecological indicators and coral reefs.Abstract
Macroalgae are the main competitors for coral reefs in fighting for aquatic
ecological space in coral reef ecosystems. The purpose of this research;
Knowing the condition of the aquatic environment, the abundance and cover of
macroalgae, and the potential of macroalgae for indicators of coral reef
management in the coastal waters of Katapang Village. Data on the physical
condition of the waters were measured in situ while macroalgae data for each
research station were obtained using the LIT (Line Intercept Transect Method).
Macroalgae taxa were identified using an identification guide book from FAO
(1998). The distribution of each type of macroalgae was mapped spatially based
on the distribution conditions of the macroalgae at each study station. The
results showed that the condition of the waters of the coral reef ecosystem in
Katapang Village was supportive for the growth of macroalgae. The macroalgae
found came from 3 orders, 4 families, 5 genera and 8 species. The results also
indicate that the abundance and cover of macroalgae determines the shift in
dominance in reef ecosystems so that these two factors can be used as indicators
of coral reef management.
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