Rabbit Farming Management Practices: A Case Of An Emerging Rabbit Farmer/Producer


  • Nerisa Paladan School of Graduate Studies and Research, Partido State University, Philippines.




Rabbit farming, Rabbit Management Practices, Housing Practices, Feeding, Breeding, Health and Disease Management


Promoting rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) farming responses to the challenges
in food security and agricultural sustainability. The purpose of this study is to
describe the management practices of emerging rabbit farmers/producers in
rural areas in relation to their housing practices, feeding, breeding, and health
and disease management. Also, it identifies the benefit and challenges of rabbit
farming. Furthermore, a framework was developed in capacitating the rabbit
farmers/producers to make rabbit farming ventures a sustainable livelihood in
rural areas. Descriptive research was utilized; 33 rabbit farmers are the
respondents of this study; a snowball sampling technique was used to identify
the respondent. In- depth semi-structured interviews and observation were used
in gathering the data. Findings revealed that farmers invest in galvanized wire
cages but some use local materials like bamboo and used wood however they
need to improve their housing design even its backyard rabbit raising. The
majority uses a combination of rabbit pellets & forages that are locally
available for feeding the rabbit. Also, most of them acquire their rabbit breed
from local rabbit breeders where the challenge to the farmers is the quality and
the inbreeding. Skin disease and diarrhea are common diseases in rabbits and
farmers have knowledge of identifying the symptoms and also curing them. The
major benefit of rabbit production it gives an additional source of income for
rabbit farmers/producers while the major challenges are inadequate/limited
knowledge of rabbit production and an unreliable market for rabbit breeds and


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How to Cite

Paladan, N. (2022). Rabbit Farming Management Practices: A Case Of An Emerging Rabbit Farmer/Producer. International Journal of Science and Environment (IJSE), 2(4), 127–137. https://doi.org/10.51601/ijse.v2i4.45