Coastal Area Development Through Mangrove Planting And Tree Foster Parents As Climate Change Restoration And Mitigation Efforts Sedari Village, Cibuaya District, Karawang Regency


  • Taufik Ismail PT Pertamina Patraniaga Fuel Terminal Cikampek; Jalan Achmad Yani KM 6 Dawuan Barat, Cikampek, Karawang, Indonesia.
  • M.Andhika Putra PT Pertamina Patraniaga Fuel Terminal Cikampek; Jalan Achmad Yani KM 6 Dawuan Barat, Cikampek, Karawang, Indonesia.
  • Cita Insani M PT Pertamina Patraniaga Fuel Terminal Cikampek; Jalan Achmad Yani KM 6 Dawuan Barat, Cikampek, Karawang, Indonesia.



The global community is faced with a number of problems such as the climate crisis.
The coastal area is one area that is vulnerable to abrasion and the impact of the
climate crisis. Sedari Village is one of the areas on the coast that has the risk of
abrasion and climate change. Therefore, PT Pertamina Patraniaga Cikampek BBM
Terminal carries out a coastal area development program through planting
mangroves and foster parent trees. Community empowerment activities aim to map
the activities needed for environmental restoration. Within the framework of
management science in general, activities consist of planning, organizing,
implementing, and evaluating. Within the framework of management science in
general, activities consist of planning, organizing, implementing, and evaluating.
Based on community empowerment activities, it is concluded that coastal area
development activities through mangrove planting and OTAP initiation have a high
urgency value. then the activity is a collaboration between communities based on
academic, industrial, community, government and media groups.


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How to Cite

Ismail, T. ., Putra, M. ., & Insani M, C. . (2022). Coastal Area Development Through Mangrove Planting And Tree Foster Parents As Climate Change Restoration And Mitigation Efforts Sedari Village, Cibuaya District, Karawang Regency. International Journal of Science and Environment (IJSE), 2(4), 138–142.