The Effectiveness of Water Treatment in the Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) of the Tempe Industry and Benefits to the Community
The results of the tempe-making process will produce waste that is harmful to the
environment from the washing, boiling, pressing and printing processes. The tempe
industry in Plaju ulu village is a source of community income. Tempe industry
activities produce waste that can pollute the environment, causing unpleasant odors.
The wastewater treatment plant built by Pertamina RU 3 Plaju has a positive impact
in reducing the impact of the tempe industry liquid waste. The formulation of the
problem raised (1) The results of the effectiveness of the Plaju Tempe Industry
WWTP. (2) Recommendations for WWTP technology that can be used in the Plaju
Tempe Industry. The parameters used to measure the quality of the effluent are pH
(degree of acidity), COD, BOD, TSS, and (Total Suspended Solid) during July and
August 2022. To determine the quality of wastewater produced, data from
laboratory test results must be compared with quality standards. waste water in
accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Environment of the Republic of
Indonesia No. 5 of 2014. From the results of the processing effectiveness, the
effectiveness of COD, BOD, and TSS was found to be 53.81%; 11.05%; and 22.65%.
From the results of this processing, it is still considered not able to reduce the
pollutants generated from the tempe industry activities. The pH and TSS parameters
still do not meet the quality standards. The recommended waste treatment is
anaerobic biofiltration, anaerobic digester, and phytoremediation in improving the
parameters of pH, COD, BOD, and TSS in the tempe-making industry
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