Storing Plantain Using A Traditional Cold Jar
Optimizing the use of plantains depends not only on increasing its
production but also on improving post-harvest operations before
it reaches the final consumer. Proper management during the
post-harvest period is better than using advanced technology. The
main objective of this study is to preserve plantains in a
traditional cold pot in the locality of Man. To carry out this
experiment, we used a device consisting of a large pot containing
a small pot and clay filling the space between the pot and the
large pot. This device, commonly known as the “desert fridge”,
has enabled us to obtain green lifespans for the Corne 1 and
Agnrin cultivars of between 15 and 22 days. During our
conservation, the physical and biochemical characteristics of
plantains were determined. The analyzes revealed a slight lower
mass loss: Horn 1 (6.85 ±0.2%) and Agnrin (7.4 ±0.5%), loss of
firmness and dry matter, reduction in starches and dietary fiber.
But on the other hand, an increase in the content of reducing
sugars, the transfer of the color of the skin from green to yellow of
the stored plantains.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Kouadio Kouakou K.A, Kone M. B, Soro L. C, Ocho -Anin Atchibri L

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