Strategic Alliances, Competitive Advantages, And Bandwagon Effect In The Perum Perhutani Wood Industry
Strategic Alliances, Competitive Advantages, The Perum Perhutani Wood IndustryAbstract
The establishment of Strategic Alliances or operational cooperation with strategic partners of
the Wood Industry around the Perum Perhutani work area is a necessity to increase
competitiveness. This study attempts to elaborate on the Strategic Alliance between the
Perhutani Wood Industry and its partners to be able to achieve a Competitive Advantage
through the development of Market Areas and the development of Product Innovations or in
other words to find out to what extent the Strategic Alliance can improve the position of the
Perum Perhutani Wood Industry Competitive Advantage. In addition, this study also aims to
determine the extent to which the implementation of the Strategic Alliance, through the
development of Market Areas and Product Innovation in the Perum Perhutani Wood Industry,
influences increasing Competitive Advantage. This research is descriptive and uses a
qualitative approach. This research uses a literature study technique and utilizes data sources
obtained from several locations, namely (1) Perhutani Forestry Institute Library, (2)
Brawijaya University Central Library, and (3) Discussion with colleagues. From the research
results, it is known that the Strategic Alliance model that aims to increase Competitive
Advantage is the most appropriate to be applied in Perum Perhutani is a form of Strategic
Alliance that focuses on the interests of cooperation in increasing Product Innovation to
realize Competitive Advantage, compared to the Strategic Alliance through the development of
Market Areas. It is necessary to redevelop a good Strategic Alliance with the Wood Industry
business partner Perum Perhutani by implementing: (1) Reconciliation of the Wood Industry
business actors who join based on compatibility, mutual need, and mutual benefit; (2) Focus
and professional; (3) Pooling of resources on what is already owned by the wood industry
business partners so that a perfect alliance will have an impact on the success of Perum
Perhutani to become a superior company.
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