International Journal of Science and Environment (IJSE) 2025-02-12T06:50:48+00:00 Dr. Arman Harahap, M.Si Open Journal Systems <div><strong>International Journal of Science and Environment (IJSE) </strong>is to provide a research medium and an important reference for the advancement and dissemination of research results that support high-level research in the fields of Science and Environment . Original theoretical work and application-based studies, which contributes to a better understanding all fields of Science and Environment.</div> <div> </div> <div>The aim and scope All areas of Science, Forestry and the environment</div> <div> </div> <p> </p> Quality Nutrient Identification in Liquid Organic Fertilizer (Goat Urine and Banana Stumps) and Its Application on Growth of Chili (Capsicum frutescens) 2024-12-14T03:56:07+00:00 Aldy Bahaduri Indraloka Mohamad Ilham Hilal Abdus Salam Junaedi <p><em>Agricultural waste such as goat manure and urine could be a source of environmental pollution and a source of disease if it can’t be processed into beneficial fertilizer. The use of organic fertilizers could increase plant growth and can prevent land quality degradation, but some of the weaknesses in the application of organic fertilizer are the lack of information on nutrient content and its effects on plant growth. The aim of this research is to analyse the fermentation periods for producing the highest macro nutrient in liquid organic fertilizer made from goat urine and banana stumps. The results showed that the effect of the fermentation periods gave different results of macro nutrients. The recommendation for fermentation periods required to produce the highest macro nutrient content was P2 (21 days), the percentage value of nutrients in (P2: 21 days) were Nitrogen (1.83%), Phosphorus (0.56%) and Potassium (1.20%). The research results also showed that the P4 treatment (20 mL of liquid organic fertilizer) giving the highest value on several parameters in chili (height, number of leaves, fresh weight, root length, number of flower and fruits). P1 and P3 recommended for appearance of flowers (30 DAT) and P4 recommended for stimulating fruit primordia.</em></p> 2025-02-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Aldy Bahaduri Indraloka, Mohamad Ilham Hilal, Abdus Salam Junaedi Eco-Friendly Biopolymer Management For Sustainable Plastic Solutions: Applications, Challenges, And Implementation Strategies 2024-12-31T02:27:03+00:00 Muhammad Sadali Muhammad Taufiq Abadi Muhammad Akbar Fadzkurrahman A <p><em>The use of single-use plastics derived from fossil fuels has been a major cause of environmental pollution. As a solution, biopolymers based on renewable resources have emerged as an environmentally friendly alternative. This article examines the development, challenges, and implementation strategies for biopolymers in providing sustainable plastic solutions. The discussion begins with an introduction to biopolymers, their types, and applications in replacing fossil-based plastics in various industrial sectors. It is found that although biopolymers offer environmental advantages, key challenges include higher production costs, limited raw materials, and waste management. The article also discusses the role of government policies, technological innovation, and multisectoral collaboration in accelerating biopolymer adoption. With appropriate policies, infrastructure development, and increased consumer awareness, Indonesia has great potential to lead sustainable biopolymer production.</em></p> 2025-02-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Muhammad Sadali, Muhammad Taufiq Abadi, Muhammad Akbar Fadzkurrahman A The Comparison of Reservoir Impoundment Duration between Ground Observation and Satellite Precipitation Product over Karian, Indonesia 2024-12-01T04:24:41+00:00 Bambang Adhi Priyambodho Anugerah Tiffanyputri Kristiani Vittorio Kurniawan Erma Yulihastin Rizky Nugraha Putra Herlambang Lely Qodrita Avia Haries Satyawardhana Restu Wigati Subekti Subekti Ngakan Putu Purnaditya Paulus Setyo Nugroho <p><em>The initial filling phase of reservoirs is a critical period that demands close supervision to ensure safety and functionality. During this phase, the dam is slowly filled with water, submerging floodplains until it reaches its intended storage capacity. This process assesses the response of the dam to water filling and its overall safety, with continuous monitoring and evaluation against design standards. The duration and rate of filling depend on several factors, i.e., precipitation, dam height, and hydropower plant sensitivity; thus, precipitation was the prominent driving force. However, as continuous precipitation data, multi-satellite global precipitation maps under the Global Precipitation Measurement near-real-time (GSMaP NRT) satellite products offer an alternative but tend to underestimate or overestimate rainfall values, posing challenges for accurate predictions. Bias correction methods of GSMaP NRT product in the spanning period of 2005–2022 demonstrated in agreement with ground observation data through the application of the artificial neural network (ANN) method to reduce the error bias to produce reliable results. This study highlights the importance of the impoundment period for reservoir sedimentation and overall dam safety. It emphasises the need for accurate precipitation data in reservoir management and recommends rigorous bias correction when using satellite data to substitute ground measurements.</em></p> 2025-02-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Bambang Adhi Priyambodho , Anugerah Tiffanyputri Kristiani, Vittorio Kurniawan, Erma Yulihastin, Rizky Nugraha Putra Herlambang , Lely Qodrita Avia , Haries Satyawardhana , Restu Wigati , Subekti Subekti , Ngakan Putu Purnaditya , Paulus Setyo Nugroho Uncovering the Environmental and Social Impacts of Renewable Energy Use in the Halal Industry: Empirical Evidence from Indonesia 2024-12-31T02:57:23+00:00 Muhamad Shulthoni Muhammad Khoirul Fikri Hendri Hermawan Adinugraha <p>This research aims to uncover the environmental and social impacts of using renewable energy in the halal industry in Indonesia. Using a case study-based qualitative approach, this research explores the implementation of renewable energy, such as biomass and solar panels, in several companies in West Java, East Java, and West Sumatra. Data collection techniques included in-depth interviews, participatory observation, and document analysis, which were thematically analyzed to identify implementation impacts and challenges. The results show that using renewable energy has reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 30% in the last five years and reduced water and soil pollution by 40%. Socially, the implementation created green jobs, empowered local communities, and improved people’s quality of life through access to clean energy. The study identifies key challenges, such as high initial investment and lack of energy literacy among industry players. This research offers a novel contribution by integrating environmental, social, and Sharia sustainability values in the impact analysis of renewable energy. The practical implications include the need for government incentive policies, workforce training, and multi-sectoral collaboration to support the sustainable transformation of the halal industry in Indonesia.</p> 2025-02-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Muhamad Shulthoni, Muhammad Khoirul Fikri, Hendri Hermawan Adinugraha Supply Chain Of Fresh Fruit Bunches From Independent Oil Palm Farmers 2024-12-31T02:52:06+00:00 Sumitro Sarkum Arman Harahap <p><em>The purpose of this research is to determine the supply chain losses caused by fluctuations in the selling price of Fresh Fruit Bunches (FFB). The method used is to conduct direct surveys with palm oil Fresh Fruit Bunch (FFB) traders and end consumers at Palm Oil Mills in nine sub-districts in Labuhanbatu Regency. The planned number of samples to be interviewed is 800 respondents, consisting of 784 Collecting Traders and 16 SMEs, with a total of 256 respondents successfully interviewed. The research results explain the factors influencing the fluctuation of TBS purchase prices at the supplier level, namely the lack of transparency in TBS selling prices from Palm Oil Mills to traders and from traders to farmers. The findings also suggest that the local government should establish a special institution that can provide information on palm oil prices released by the government through the North Sumatra industry office. In addition, we recommend that the North Sumatra government involve district governments and other stakeholders in the context of the triple helix in sustainable development, considering the imbalanced needs and productivity in implementing national strategic programs. The next research question is about the sustainability of small-scale oil palm farmers, considering the continuous growth of oil palm. Policymakers in key stakeholder institutions need to design strategies to manage global disruptions in palm oil trade, particularly by involving farmers in national strategic programs, one of which focuses on concentrating development on palm oil downstreaming.</em></p> 2025-02-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Sumitro Sarkum, Arman Harahap